Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's from the government meddleing again! Let the free market take care of us!

The headline: "High Health Care Costs Emanate From Business, Not Government"  (LinkHere)
"I don't want government-run health care. I don't want socialized medicine. And don't touch my Medicare'"  (quote @ Town Hall meeting from an angry voter).
I'll bet she gets her news from Glen or Rush or Bill.  Any takers on that?  I suppose she's vehemently opposed to any form of socialism too.  Like Social Security. 

"In 2008 public expenditure on health care was $3,507 for every man, woman and child in the U.S., and private expenditure was $4,031."
Damn inefficient socialized government programs.  Wasting my tax dollars again. 

"Compared with France for example, in 2008 US public expenditures per capita were 22 percent higher, but private expenditures per capita were 391 percent higher."
Those socialists over in Europe can't get anything right.  And they take too much vacation too.

"The leading health insurers in the United States deliver low-quality, high-cost coverage. The biggest among them use virtually all of their enormous profits to do enormous stock repurchases."
Once again, the free market improves upon anything that the government can do.
My wife used to work for a Not For Profit health insurance entity that wanted to go private.  The CEO stood to make over 40 million with this plan and all of the exec's were also in line for multi-million dollar payouts.  What do you suppose their primary motivation was?  Huh?  Huh?

"The U.S. has about 26 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units per million population, more than double the average of 11 units in all economically advanced nations. Japan has 43 units per million population, but under the country's single-payer insurance system, the cost of a scanning session in Japan is about one-tenth the typical charge in the United States."
Now please tell me again how the free market bests programs like Medicare.

"The prices that Americans pay for drugs are about double the prices in other advanced countries."
I've heard more than one person complain that this is the price for continued research & development of new drugs.  B.S.  The Republicans even force through a measure prohibiting government plans from negotiating prices with private entities.  That's the reverse of capitalism!  How tough is this concept?

Medicare is WAY more efficient than private health plans.

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