Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News with snide remarks - Sarcaism no extra charge (Tue 102610)

Headline - Woman stomped outside Kentucky debate  
Every time I think the TP's can't any more bizarre, repulsive, crude or sick they surprise me by pushing the envelope a little farther. Actually I think that this broke the envelope.

Headline - Aide fired over Florida debate foul
A campaign aide to Florida gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink has been removed after the Democratic nominee was sent a text message during a televised debate -- in violation of the rules that the candidates agreed to.
Duhhhh…  This isn’t exactly rocket science. 

Headline: Shop's Guns Trigger Alert For Rate of Use in Crimes
“no other dealer listed in state records has had so many guns move so quickly from counter to crime scene in recent years.”
Eliminating guns from this country isn’t, never has been and never will be an option.  And the idiots that went on a gun buying spree before Obama’s inauguration are just that, idiots.  But gee, isn’t this a clear and flagrant example of how gun controls need to be further implemented and enforced?  I'm not particularly proud to reside in the Virginia, where this gun dealer is located.  
Wikipedia – Second Amendment

Headline - In Alaska Senate Race, Front-Runner Isn’t on Ballot
In the land of Palin, things are getting weirder.

Headline - What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?
"For Obama, the ultimate indignity is the Times/CBS News poll in September showing that only 8 percent of Americans know that he gave 95 percent of American taxpayers a tax cut."
"relentless disinformation campaign of his political opponents"

Headlilne - House and Senate candidates have already shattered fundraising records
"House and Senate shatter fund raising records for midterm election and may exceed $2 billion"
Gee, can you think of anything better to do with TWO BILLION DOLLARS?

Headline - Chinese Telecom Giant in Push for U.S. Market
"Sprint Nextel, the nation’s third-largest wireless carrier, is preparing to make a decision on buying $3 billion in advanced wireless equipment, and Huawei is considered to be a front-runner for the deal."
Here's what scares me.  Many industries/businesses in China are owned by the military.  China has almost undoubtedly attacked our infrastructure with Internet attacks.  China's military is growing by leaps and bounds.  How do we know they aren't embedding some kind of smart bomb in this equipment?  Maybe I'm paranoid.  But then we could have done the same thing to them.  We probably have.
But the Chinese are beating us in so many areas right now.  Green energy for instance.  I’ve done several (LinkHere LinkHere) post’s on how and why China is taking the lead in several areas.

Headline - Navajos Hope to Shift From Coal to Wind and Sun
"Navajos are calling for a future built instead on solar farms, ecotourism and microbusinesses."
Even the Native American’s are smarter than our government when it comes to supporting sustainable energy.  But then so are the Chinese.  (LinkHere LinkHere)

Headline - Texas Is Campaign Issue in California Ads   
"Much of the financial support for the measure, which is on the ballot as Proposition 23, has come from Texas-based oil companies."
Holy s*@t.  This influence on the elections by big companies and special interest groups is just obscene.

Headline - For women, ideology trumps the gender card
"Polls indicate that, if anything, women are treating their candidacies more harshly than are men."
"more truthful, likely male voters said Brown by a 15-point margin, and women said Brown by 25 points."
I think this is a good thing.  It's my opinion that in the South, where I currently reside, women mindlessly go along with the conservative mindset and have a dismally small share of the elective offices.

Huffington Post
"opened fire on the California Highway Patrol after being pulled over on his way, he later told police, to assassinate employees of San Francisco's Tides Foundation, a progressive non-profit targeted by Glenn Beck on his Fox News Channel show a whopping 29 times prior to the shooting for being at the center of nefarious left-wing plots -- a fantasy concocted night after night on Beck's chalkboard.  You know who else called Beck a teacher? Sarah Palin."

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