Monday, December 13, 2010

Force people to buy health care...

Someone on FB asked me why people should be forced to buy health care -
Those that have insurance pay for those without. There is no such thing as a "Private Hospital" in this country. Anyone with an emergent condition MUST be treated when they present themselves to a hospital. Most people who show up in an emergency room (@ 80%) have conditions that could have been treated earlier with a simple antibiotic or other incrementally less costly remedy. That is only one of many examples of the gross inefficiencies of our present (pre-reform) health care system.

Economies of scale should bring it down to an affordable price for everyone. Much like Medicare. Everyone is required to have auto insurance before they drive. What's the difference? And like I argued before, under the present system those with pay for those without. What's fair about that? And admittedly, it isn't perfect and nothing in life is fair (I don't even know what the word 'fair' really means). But the reforms are the first step in many needed reforms. In this country we spend more on health care, as a % of GDP than any other country in the world. AND we are the only industrialized country in the world that doesn't provide health care for all of it's citizens. Something just doesn't add up here!

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