Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Washington State - Income Tax initiative Regressive/Progressive

My home state of WA has an initiative on the ballot this election season to implement an income tax.  And conversely my present domicile in VA is considering reducing or eliminating the income tax.  Doing a survey of the data/propaganda on the net, it’s obvious to me that there is BIG $ trying to defeat this initiative.  The fact that it has made it to the ballot at all is nothing short of a miracle.  Do a Goggle query yourself (Washington state initiative income tax).  See how far down into the results you have to dig to find a single site promoting this initiative.

Here’s the official statement on the initiative from the Wa state government.  LinkHere
“Before it’s over, businesses will have spent a ton of money to defeat [1098], and the unions will have spent a ton of money for it,”
“Supporters dismiss these claims and are touting the initiative as a net tax cut, saying that income-tax revenue would be used to reduce other taxes, like the state property tax — even though Gates Sr. has said this was “not a huge factor” in his support for the measure.”  LinkHere

Senior’s son is getting in on the action too: "Bill Gates to vote for state income tax on rich"  LinkHere

From the chairman of Red Lion Hotels:
"Our tax system is unfair. When I look at our employees I see entry-level workers hoping for a future. But how can they get there? The lowest 20 percent of our work force pays 17 percent of their income in state and local taxes. The middle income associates pay over 10 percent while I pay little more than 2 percent of my income in state and local taxes."  LinkHere

Here's a site that is opposing the income tax in WA.  Probably funded by the CofC & other self interested, narrow minded R;s:  LinkHere

“Washington is one of only seven states without a personal income tax” (So all 43 other state are stupid to have an income tax?  That seems to be the opposition’s argument against it.) 
‘but a new initiative introduced by a coalition of liberal activists including Bill Gates Sr. would change that by introducing an income tax on the state’s “high earners.” Gates is the father of Microsoft Corp. cofounder Bill Gates Jr.  “would leave 97 percent of Washington’s taxpayers the same or better off, while only 3 percent would feel the pinch of the new income tax.”’ 
In other words, a more equitable tax structure with minimal downside effects.
“face steep constitutional hurdles if passed.”
Reminds me of the treats being made about ‘Obama Care’.  Scare tactics.
"would cause Washington to lose one of its primary competitive advantages over other state"
Yet again, more scare tactics.  But yet 43 other states manage to survive WITH a sales tax?  LinkHere

“Washington’s tax system is the shame of the country. It ranks dead last – 50th out of 50 states – in terms of fairness.”
From Bill Gates Sr.  Think he might know what he talking about?  He was a very successful attorney.
“To make things even worse, the Washington state tax system penalizes small businesses. They pay nearly twice as much of their income in taxes as large businesses.”
That explains where all the anti income-tax rhetoric is coming from.  Big Business.
Read more: LinkHere

Here's a source for a whole bunch of into on Initiative 1098, showing both sides of the debate: LinkHere

I hope that the voters in Washington State don't allow themselves to be sucker punched by the big spending of special interests.  This opportunity to level the playing field in the State of Washington won't come around again for a long time.  If at all.

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