Monday, October 18, 2010

Fiascos, Inconsistencies, Missteps, Lies and Perversions by the D's & R's

I'm trying to track political scandals. I will rank them by severity and by D or R.  And my definition of a scandal will be something that a politician says or does that is contrary to their expressed beliefs or position. I am going to limit this data to incidents within the past year, but I may re-think that.
And also limit it to Federal and State politicians.  I will rate each issue on a scale from 1 to 5.  I'd like to hear other opinions on this.

Date HeadlineName D Points R Points Comments
101810 Alaska Senate candidate's guards handcuff journalistJoe Miller (AK)
2 Hiding things from your past can't be considered ethical.  LOT's of inconsistencies in what he does & what he says he supports.
101810 Virginia-Chair of the Virginia Beach Republican Committee equates black dogs to blacks, dogs & poor in email joke.David Bartholomew
4 Don't the R's even want the black vote?
101910 "Was for the stimulus while she was against it"  (took stimulus $)Michele Bachmann
3 Another example of the R's not only being inconsistent in their policies but refusing to support Obama for purely political reasons.
101910 "dodged mortars" on trip to Afganistan, accused of keeping 38K in travel funds.  Not to mentioned yelling "You Lie!" at Obama.Joe Wilson (SC, not the Alaska guy)
4 This guy typifies what is wrong with the state of SC.  Please see my rant on SC: LinkHere
101910 Lied about his residence so as to run for CA Senate seat.Rod Wright4 4 Out & out blatant lying.
101910 Sharron Angle (R-NV): how can this woman be even close to electable?Sharron Angle
2 Just plain old out & out lying. She seems to do it as easily as she breaths.  Only a rating of 2 because I'm not aware of her ever stating that she doesn't or won't lie.
101910 Report Says State Senators Manipulated Casino BiddingJohn L. Sampson4
This seem really bad to me.  Same as Malcom A. Smith below.
101910 Report Says State Senators Manipulated Casino BiddingMalcolm A. Smith4
Really bad in my opinion.  See John L. Sampson above.  Same thing.

D Total -------> 12 19 <----R Total

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