Friday, October 22, 2010

My news, my comments, what I think is important and/or interesting Friday 102210

AP - Headline: Has the U.S. lost its will to build?
The U.S. spends "2 percent of the country's gross domestic product [on infrastructure] - half what it was in 1960 - compared with about 9 percent in China and 5 percent for Europe"
Another example of how the U.S. is falling behind China, and Europe too.

The NY Times - Headline: Big Corporate Donors Fuel Chamber's Political Ads
Companies that are contributing to this atrocity: Prudential  Financial, Goldman Sachs, Chevron Texaco, and Aegon, a European insurance company.  Hmmmm… Foreign funds making their way into our political process.
Most of this $ is being used to discredit and minimize Obama. 

Wash Post: "Lawyers got it right on the foreclosure mess"
"lenders cut corners with paperwork to make as many loans"
So the bankers made this mess and they want to blame someone else.  Sounds like a politician.
"all parties would be better off if some way could be found to avoid foreclosure -- modifying the terms of the loan, say, by lowering the interest rate or even reducing the principal to reflect the fall in housing prices"
But the banks would rather cut off their nose to spite their faces.

NYTimes:  "Video Shows 'Stealth' Nuclear Submarine Stuck in Scottish Mud"
'new nuclear submarine has been described as Britain's "stealthiest"'
Not to stealthy when it's stuck in the mud.

NYTimes: Afghanistan Today
"We continue to wonder whether, at this late date, the United States can achieve even minimal success against the Taliban and their allies.". 
"And two of the most fundamental problems have yet to be addressed: the Afghan government's lack of credibility with many of its own people; and Pakistan's persistent double game, taking American aid while sheltering and abetting the Taliban."
But apparently things ARE better than a few months ago.  Hope this isn't another Vietnam.  Afghanistan has been a mess for decades.  The people deserve better.  However the American people are getting tired of this.  I've read two excellent books on Afghanistan recently, WAR by Sebastian Junger and Greetings From Afghanistan, Send More Ammo: Dispatches from Taliban Country by Benjamin Tupper.

LATimes: Attempt to legalize marijuana hitting wall of opposition
"California's marijuana legalization ballot initiative, Proposition 19, is trailing badly, according to a new Los Angeles Times/USC poll, which found likely voters opposing the measure 51% to 39%."
I'm rooting for this to pass.  I've done some posts on this topic:  LinkHere and LinkHere  


LA Times: "Highest teen birthrates are in the South"
Why is the South so backwards?  I live in VA now and lived for awhile in SC, which is a REALLY weird state.  See my post on SC.  


Los Angeles Times: "BofA readies for an era of reasonable fees"
"The bank is taking a $10.4-billion write-down in anticipation of federal limits on debit-card transaction fees to a 'reasonable' level. That's a sign it knows its current fees are unreasonable."
"That's because the reform requires the Federal Reserve to set processing fees at a level that's "reasonable and proportional to the cost incurred by the issuer with respect to the transaction."
I belong to two Credit Unions.  I don't know why anyone would bank with B of A, unless they used them for commercial purposes. 


KTLA TV:  "Woman Drove Around With Corpse For Nearly a Year.  Police say the woman used baking soda in an attempt to dissipate the odor."
"The driver of the car says she befriended the woman at a local park and allowed her to sleep in the car overnight.
When she found the woman had died, she continued to drive the car with the body, said Sgt. Ed Everett."
This is from Costa Mesa CA.  Beyond weird. 


KTLA TV:  "Man Accused of Sexually Assaulting Neighbor's Horse"
I thought this only happened in SC.  LinkHere

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