Thursday, September 16, 2010

Evil, nasty, wicked, dirty, unfair, unprofessional, thoughtless - Any more descriptors?

Why are the R's so blankety-blank nasty?  Wonder why politics has settled down into the sewer, and appears to be going lower still?
Headline: "Republican casts Pelosi as Wicked Witch in Oz-inspired ad"  (LinkHere)
Would you call someone in your office a name like this?  Not unless you were the CEO.
Would politicians be any less effective if they stopped the name calling?
Here's another quote:  
"While the research on negative advertising in political campaigns has painted something less than a clear picture on most counts, one thing is increasingly clear--voters overwhelmingly dislike negative advertising and are troubled by its widespread use. According to a recent bipartisan survey commission by the Project on Campaign Conduct, voters are not overjoyed with today's political candidates and their campaign tactics."  (LinkHere)
Here's what I think.  I'd like someone to prove me wrong.  The R's LIKE to wallow in the sewer.  Negative news, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Bill O'Riley etc. all feed this attitude while they become very rich.  The tone of these programs is always negative.  And I have close relatives and acquaintances that behave this same way.  They listen to this negative stuff without considering opposing views and they internalize it and spread it.  Like a cancer.

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