Thursday, September 2, 2010

Be happy! Be a Republican! Be conservative! Listen to Rush & Beck & Fox!

Here's a quote from the Washington Post:
"A 2006 Pew Research poll found that 45 percent of Republicans describe themselves as "very happy," compared with only 30 percent of Democrats (and 29 percent of independents). "  (Here's the link:
I've asked around 10 conservative people I know what they think of the Valerie Plame boondogle (and boondoogle is putting it as nicely as I can).  Only one had any idea who she is.  And two conservative people (who I will politely decline to identify as they are close relatives) even forgot about who she is after I told them during a discussion.  It obviously was not important to them.
The moral of today's lesson?  Ignorance is bliss.


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