Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Questions I have...

Sent Saturday 9/3/05 at 1:16 AM

(In background: "Oh shit Mom I never want to see.." ('Kid1'))

'Kid2': "Dad, this is 'Kid2'. I was just calling to tell you that you have messed up my brothers life and you can be a part of our life anymore because you have not done us anything.

(Long pause with undecipherable sounds of 'Kid1' in background)

My brother is just, 'Kid1' he is crying and screaming because he doesn't want to see you anymore because he you have just messed up his life because you have not been there for him this times that you need him. And all you do is blame us and we don't get anything. My Mom does everything for us and you have messed up my brother's life.

Well, since this is a one-way communication I can't ask questions directly of you to clarify any of this.
"you have messed up my brothers life..."
How did I do this? I didn't quit seeing you kids. You kids refused to see me. Did I mess up your life by not sending enough money? I've never missed or even been late on a child support payment. How much $ do I need to send to de-mess-up your lives?
"you have not been there for him this times that you need him."
Gee, I would have loved to have been there at ANY TIME. When I call I get the answering machine. I leave messages that are never returned. I asked 'Kid3' to go with me to celebrate my Dad's BD (his grandfather) and he said he wanted to go to a BB tournament with his sis in Yakima so he could swim in the pool at the motel.
"And all you do is blame us and we don't get anything."
What do I blame you for? I believe what your referring to here is my very mild scolding for not attending your grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. Who should I blame for this? Was this somehow my fault?
And what's this "we don't get anything" stuff"? What am I supposed to be sending? Monthly blank checks? I honestly believe that this is largely coming from your sick, demented mother. She once commented to me, in all sincerity, that she felt my entire income should go to her. Only a severely mentally challenged individual would argue that any man should be made to live a completely destitute life and send his entire income to his ex-wife.
Each of you three kids has a car that your Mom has bought you. You have a nice house to live in (which I bought with assets that I had before I married your Mom). Yet I get absolutely no credit for the support I have provided to you kids, largely through substantial child support payments to your Mom, for your entire lives! The total amount I have given your Mom SINCE the divorce is around $150,000.00!!! Additionally she literally got everything when we divorced! She got the house and everything inside it! I got a desktop computer and a old truck with 200,000 miles on it. And some of my clothes. And any of my tools that she didn't happen to want.
Well, I know your minds are made up and I wouldn't want to confuse you with the facts. Just live on in your sick world pretending your wacko Mommie knows what she's talking about.

(This is from a voice mail message left for me by 'Kid1')

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