Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shame on anyone who supports Sara Palin

Sara Palin is a disgusting example of a human being.  The attack on Gabrielle Giffor was possibly (probably?) motivated by Palin's web site showing Girror in the sights of a gun.  There were other acerbic attacks on this wonderful person by other right wingers (Limbaugh, Beck, Fox etc.)  How do you who listen to this filth manage to justify your support by watching these liars?  And you who voted for Palin in the last presidential election?  Someone who has no federal experience, a two year degree and six months as the governor of the least populous state in the nation?  You who support and promote this, by supporting Palin etc. are to be pitied for your narrow minded mentality which ignores the facts and relies on the sewage spewed by the disgusting members of the right.  Being conservative is a shameful admission to being bigoted, intellectually lazy and narrow minded.  Conservatives are leading this country into divisiveness and political instability, perhaps worse.
Similar to the recent of the AZ congress woman, Dr. George Tiller was killed by an assassin apparently motivated after repeated tirades from Bill O'Reilly (LinkHere) on Fox.  Can someone please tell me when someone from the left side of the political spectrum was apparently motivated and subsequently followed through on an attack of a member of the political right?  I can't think of one...  The right really doesn't seem to care or learn from these horrific executions.
Someone on Facebook suggested initiating a dialogue between the right and left but, I don't believe that a representative % of the right would participate.  This feeling is probably from interactions with my own parents who have proudly stated 'My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts!' 
(This is my way of venting.  I'd really love to hear some opposing viewpoints.)

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