Monday, January 31, 2011

Impeach Clarence Thomas

But it ain't going to happen:
"Only one Supreme Court Justice, Samuel Chase (one of the signatories to the Declaration of Independence), has ever been impeached. The House of Representatives accused Chase of letting his Federalist political leanings affect his rulings, and served him with eight articles of impeachment in late 1804. The Senate acquitted him of all charges in 1805, establishing the right of the judiciary to independent opinion. Chase continued on the Court until his death in June 1811."  LinkHere
"He was obsessed with pornography," McEwen told Cooper. "It was something he talked about quite frequently."  LinkHere
Anita Hill's testimony has never been meaningfully refuted.  LinkHere   
How is this for maintaining a balanced perspective:  "Clarence Thomas' wife Virginia was launching a Tea Party group"  LinkHer
Thomas has refused to recuse himself in cases where he had an obvious and overriding conflict of interest.  LinkHere   Probably most notably in the Monsanto case.  LinkHere
"Thomas has benefited from affirmative action programs like ones he has criticized as a judge."  LinkHere
Clinton was impeached for having oral sex.  The gravity of Thomas's excesses far exceeds Clinton's little dalliance.

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