Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does not make any sense...

Speaking of oxymoron's - Exempting tax cut's from balancing the budget...
More stupidity from the "Party of  No!". 
The U.S. is becoming a country like Mexico, no middle class.  (See LinkHere). 
"From 1980 to 2005, more than four-fifths of the total increase in American incomes went to the richest 1 percent.”
"at least one-quarter of the benefits of these tax cuts go to the wealthiest 1 percent of the population"
"families that make less than $40,000 will actually suffer a tax increase"

Are you supporting the Republican's?  Why?  Lot's of forward thinking well-to-do people are not.  Those with ethics, morals and foresight are choosing not to.  I wish someone would take an opposing view point on this and provide some data to argue their perspective.

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