I was in Barnes & Nobel on Saturday and overheard a man and a woman talking. The woman said to the man "I'm looking for Christian inspirational books." I was tempted to say to her, "If you need to be inspired by a book for your religion, you've got the wrong religion." Here in the conservative south she probably headed straight for Ann Coulter's book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism". To me, your religion should be a deeply personal thing, not someone else's opinions on what you should think and believe. I think that's a major problem with America today. People are to lazy to think and to research multiple sources of information to help them form their own beliefs. They get their news from Rush or Glen and take these lies for god's truth. I've heard the argument made that the bible can be read two ways: Horizontally or vertically. If you read it horizontally you compare one story or incident against the other version's of the same story. Thus leading to such lunacy as the Creationism Museum (LinkHere) in KY where you can see humans riding saddle back on dinosaurs. Does any sane person really believe this?
And why is this so often seen as a Liberal vs. Conservative issue? Why can't other wise conservative people open their minds to scientific evidence? I believe it's symptomatic of the mindset of conservatives in general: "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts!" Their told what to believe by fellow conservatives and view anything that deviates from these narrow belief's as hearsay.
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