I'm kind of depressed about things in the U.S. and the world.
Environmental issues, political shortcomings, nuclear fears (look at what's going on in N. Korea & the Middle East), the loss of basic human compassion, the horrible issues that Haiti is dealing with, the general state of the continent of Africa, the disappearing middle class in this country, the horrific state of Mexico, the safety of our food including genetically modified foods in the U.S., the ever growing military, the state of Health Care in the U.S., extreme political partisanship, discrimination and prejudice etc. etc. etc.
I'm overwhelmed with this feeling, why even try? What good will it do? What can my feeble little voice do? The U.S. in particular is becoming so radically Right Wing that my Progressive voice is completely drowned out. I'm trying to start a chapter of Living Liberally / Drinking Liberally here in Virginia Beach but finding and attracting members in this extremely conservative environment is very difficult.
People who feel like I do are not voting while conservatives seem to be turning out in droves. So what difference does my single voice make? Will people eventually see what I perceive as the folly of the conservative agenda? Right wing voices such as Beck/Limbaugh/O'Rilley/Fox seem to be much louder and more effective than the opposite side.
Conservatives, and probably liberal's to a degree too, don't bother to consider the other side, the opposing views and opinions contrary to their own. But I can't help but feeling that Progressive's are largely justified in this. The right is so negative, nasty and narrow minded. I have listened to Beck several times and I find it irritating and highly frustrating to listen to his blasphemous, narrow minded, hate filled propaganda. I can't quite believe he believes his own B.S. Is his motivation purely monetary? I suspect so.
One person can only do so much. I'm not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett with vast resources to devote to causes I believe in. Some Republican's use satchels that cost $60,000.00 to carry their papers around in. I find it impossible to believe that a bag with identical functionality could not be procured for a fraction of that cost and the savings devoted to a worthwhile cause. This in my opinion is a synopsis of the Republican mantra. He who has, gets. The Golden Rule: Those with the gold make the rules. Might makes right. Don't bother me with opinions that I don't agree with.
I've canceled my subscription to the newspaper. I seldom blog anymore. I don't read much on-line news. It's all so depressing and frustrating.
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