Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Agnostic vs. Atheist – My view, my perspective & my opinion.

This is not meant to belittle or challenge anyone else's beliefs.  And I don't understand why my expression on this subject is seen as a personal attack by some people.  I welcome any comments that you might care to leave, and maybe I shouldn't be posting on this at all, maybe it's too personal a topic to be broached.  I do believe that religion is a deeply personal thing and that it's inappropriate to be judgmental of anyone else's beliefs and values on this subject.  What's really motivated me is the aggressive stance shown at a recent gathering of Atheists ('those who express a belief in a higher power were described variously as "ignorant" and "stupid."'  LinkHere ).

There's a program on TV called 'Celebrity Ghost Stories'.  Yes, I like to watch weird stuff on TV, but they've told some really incredible stories and I don't believe they can all be entirely discounted.   LinkHere
And what about UFO's & USO's?  There is lots of documentation for these too.

The theory that there are only three dimensions has been questioned and largely refuted by physicists.  String theory speculates that there are actually eleven dimensions, most of which we cannot perceive with human senses.  And I'm not arguing that God is in one or more of these dimensions.  But I don't understand how the possibility can be entirely discounted. LinkHere  and  LinkHere
Stephen Hawking, one of the most respected physicist’s in the world has postulated that science does not rule out the possibility God exists.  LinkHere

Although I personally had some disagreements with him, Don Rumsfeld once said something that was very profound: “We don’t know what we don’t know.”  Acknowledging this actually showed a true understanding of knowledge itself and the basis of the Scientific Method, which in my inexpert opinion is maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism. LinkHere

The proof does not exist that God exists.  But neither is there proof that God does not exist. All cards are still on the table. 

I know there are many who disagree with this.  My personal belief’s tend to be almost secular, but as the strict definition of this word describes a complete rejection of religion it’s not totally appropriate for me.  Religious beliefs have caused entirely unjustifiable carnage in the history of the world.  The Crusades etc. etc.  One of my personal beliefs is that those that judge others harshly will in the end be the most harshly judged.

I can understand being an Agnostic.  But the definitiveness of Atheism confuses me.  Befuddles me.

A friend of mine recently helped me understand Atheism better. He related it to the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' (LinkHere).  I have a Flying Spaghetti Monster t-shirt.  But my friend said the atheist perspective is that believing in God is as silly as believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.  I can appreciate and respect that.  But as I defined above, I have lot's of room in my mind for doubt about all perspectives on this matter.

I firmly believe in evolution and again, am confused by those who support creationism.  It seems to me that the core of the argument is that you can't be a christian and believe in evolution, which is putting a rather tight box on anyone's concept of a higher being, no matter the form or definition.

I would love to engage in a respectful debate on this topic with anyone who cares to reply to this post.
And thank you for reading this!


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