Saturday, September 11, 2010

Y is the media SOOO liberal?

Not by any defensible, fair or unbiased argument can it be rationally argued that we have a "liberal media" in this country.  Some reasonable measurements to support this contention are hours of broadcast, audience size, media type, readership, blogs/hit counts etc.  While measurements would be rather subjective (based on definition of conservative or liberal or neutral), I challenge anyone to prove me wrong on this matter.
Just one quick and easy measurement would be the count and viewership of liberal vs. conservative radio shows.  Liberal talk shows have a terrible, almost impossible time, getting started and maintaining listeners.  And I can hear the conservative chorus already whining "What about NPR?  That has an obviously liberal bias!" 
I would argue that NPR is one of the most neutral news sources in our country.  Their miniscule government funding mandates that.  They are constantly inundated with, and subsequently broadcast, communications from listeners complaining about bias, on both sides of the fence.  And furthermore they are constantly threatened with the elimination of the trifling funds they receive from the government by the conservative elements in congress.

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