Woodward is a god (small g) in the world of reporting. His new book (not yet in the stores) on Obama:
"internal disagreements"
It's a good thing when dissent is tolerated, even encouraged. An army of YES men is a pack of lemmings (a.k.a. GWB)
"preparing relentlessly"
Better than picking & choosing though some ideas & then going with the ones that fit the decision you've already made (a.k.a. GWB).
"analysis papers that went unread" except by "the one "they were intended for."
Some past executives (a.k.a. GWB) didn't read and just relied on the advice of others. Like their 2nd in command.
"Afghan President Hamid Karzai suffers from manic depression."
Hmmm… Not a good thing. I know something about this topic.
"internal disagreements"
It's a good thing when dissent is tolerated, even encouraged. An army of YES men is a pack of lemmings (a.k.a. GWB)
"preparing relentlessly"
Better than picking & choosing though some ideas & then going with the ones that fit the decision you've already made (a.k.a. GWB).
"analysis papers that went unread" except by "the one "they were intended for."
Some past executives (a.k.a. GWB) didn't read and just relied on the advice of others. Like their 2nd in command.
"Afghan President Hamid Karzai suffers from manic depression."
Hmmm… Not a good thing. I know something about this topic.
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