Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well Balanced-Ethical-Proven Track Record-Avoids Partisanship NOT NOT NOT!!!

Ralph Reed - Strong voice in Republican Contract With American & Christian Coalition.  He would seem to me to be the last person anyone should look to for values, morals or anything resembling ethics.
Here's some of the highlights of his career:


"Abramoff-Norquist-Reed triumvirate."

Election rigging.

Has been personally visited by Jesus.

Protege of Ed Buckham who is also involved in Abramoff scandal.

Arrested for organized abortion clinic protest.

Worked for Pat Robertson, where he was involved in a financial scandal.

While describing political tactics he mentioned putting "enemies" in "body bags".

Described as the 'Right Hand of God in a Time mag cover story.

FCC brought charges against Christian Coalition for campaign finance abuses which Reed described as "baseless".

Many instances of nasty political campaigning using unfounded accusations, incorrect information and distortions of the truth.

Opposed extending federal wage & worker safety laws to the U.S. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Secretly accepted payments from Abramoff to lobby against Indian casino gambling and oppose an Alabama education lottery

Agreed to "launder money to avoid being paid directly by Indian tribes" gambling interests.

Has stated "The moral Law of God requires only two punishments for law breakers: restitution or execution"

Carl "Rove reportedly helped Reed land an Enron contract worth at least $300,000 to help build support for energy deregulation."

What I find most telling about this is his continuing embrace by the R's even after his multiple scandals.  In my, not so humble opinion, this seriously denigrates the respectability of the R's, beyond my already low opinion of them.

Some references:,_Jr.

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