Saturday, September 11, 2010

Popcorn - Cheaper Than Those Bags!

We used to buy those bags of popcorn for the microwave and I got to thinking that this seems like a waste of $.  The bulk popcorn is much cheaper and those bags don't make very much anyway.  So here's what I do:
Buy some of those paper bags that your Mommy used to put your lunch in.  Slightly bigger than the normal size ones is good, but they seem to be hard to find.  Regular old grocery paper bags will work too.
Then I take a one cup measuring cup and fill it with popcorn kernels.  To that I add about two tablespoons of oil and about a quarter cup of water.  Dump it into the paper bag and stick it into the microwave. 
I have a 1000 watt machine and I cook it for 5 minutes on full power and then 1 minutes on half power. 
Ever noticed how those big commercial popcorn machines at the movie theaters work?  They expel the popcorn after it pops.  So it won't burn, I think.  Well if you stop a couple times while the popcorn is in the microwave and take out some of the popped popcorn the results will be a little better.
Thanks for reading this! 
And comments are greatly appreciated!

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