Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lie! Inflame narrow minded people! Become rich! You too could become a billionaire!

Rush is probably a billionaire, or at least very close (see:
Glen Beck, I was saddened to learn, was born in Everett WA, which was rather recently my place of residence.
To quote Forbes (another example of the evil, left wing media): "Glenn Beck has managed to monetize virtually everything that comes out of his mouth." (Forbes magazine, April 2010). 
"In June 2009, estimators at Forbes calculated Beck's earnings over the previous 12 months at $23 million, with 2009–2010 revenues on track to be higher."  (see:
What do you suppose their motivation is?  Truth, justice & the American way?  Or inflaming their audience so as to keep and expand their personal fortune?
Guess which way I vote.
Prove me wrong...

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