Friday, September 10, 2010

Let private entities police themselves! NO MORE GOVERNMENT regulation! Obama is going way overboard!

FDA warns of deadly side effect with imaging drugs (Link here)
 "...use of the drugs can lead to a rare syndrome that causes hardening of the skin and tissue growth along joints, eyes and internal organs."  Well that doesn't sound good.
"The ailment, which is sometimes fatal..."
I would think so.  Maybe ALWAYS fatal, eventually?
"Known as contrast agents..."  Here, we need to see this part of your body so we can kill you off in a bit.
"…three have greater risks than the others: Bayer Healthcare's Magnevist, General Electric Healthcare's Omniscan and Covidien's Optimark."  These are all big, well funded companies that should have done extensive, unbiased testing before using these drugs.
"Gadolinium is a metal with distinctive magnetic properties that increase its visibility during MRI scans. It is known to be toxic to the liver."  Ya, last time I ate a hunk of metal I got liver disease too!  Especially disconcerting since the only cure for liver disease is a transplant.  And of course the "Death Boards" which are coming under Omama Care will veto such transplants.
This is obviously a strong argument for the self policing of such entities and another blatant example of over regulation by the Obama administration.

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