Friday, September 3, 2010

Legalize pot - It's the smart thing to do (no sarcasm intended)

Our present predicament with marijuana is INCREDIBLY similar to prohibition. 
Remember the trouble that caused? Well, it's the same now, with amazing corollaries. Marijuana supports lots of criminals, horribly destabilizes Mexico, clogs up our jails and, believe it or not, DOES have legitimate uses that present laws do not allow! And I'm not talking about anything involving the ingestion of marijuana.
And BTW, I don't and have used pot. I believe I'm the only person in the US who can say that.
Click here for news @ this (maybe less biased than me) 

Here's a recent article from the LA Times (LinkHere).  One of the things it talks about is a woman who was spending 5K/yr on pot.  It also talks about the detrimental health effects of using marijuana.  But that seems obvious, doesn't it?
"Marijuana is addictive for about 9% of adults who use it (compared with about 15% who use alcohol and 15% who use cocaine), according to federal data. Because it is the most widely used illegal substance in the country, marijuana dependence is more common than addiction to either cocaine or heroin despite its lower addiction potential."
Some good stuff from legalizing pot:
We could tax it!
Criminals would have to get legitimate jobs!
Out of work tobacco farmers could grow it (instead of Mexican drug cartels)!
It would be easier to control and regulate (dealers would be run out of business)!
There ARE legitimate uses for marijuana!  Clothing, rope etc.  Here's a link to an article about a house built out of marijuana (LinkHere)!!  No, it's not a pot den for dopers.  Nice house.  Take a look...   And I don't mean to be saying that there aren't down side's to pot.  There are.

BTW... Something I'm curious about...How does the right view this issue?  I know Bush Jr is a former pot head, from back in his pre-born again / drinking & carousing days.  Would the right like it for the tax revenue?  Use the $ for paying down the deficit?  I'd like to hear from someone on that.  As far as I know Limbaugh/Beck/O'Reilly have not articulated an opinion on this subject.

Here's some more links
Another post I did on this topic
"Marijuana's health effects"
Using catapults to hurl pot over the U.S. / Mexican border
I'd love to hear what you think.  Thanks for reading.

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