Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Headlline: "Christine O'Donnell and 'tea party' victories: What do they mean?"

Here's what I hope it means.  A defeat for the R's & a move closer to the middle as they try to recover.  And maybe less of the nasty, negative name calling that has characterized politics at least since Obama's election.  Obama has been grossly, and unfairly characterized as a: 
Hater of the White Race 
and probably more that I don't remember or am not aware of.  But in my probably not so humble opinion it fits right in with the R's political philosophy and their general view of life.  I can say that with some authority as many of my close relatives are R's as well as many acquaintances.  Like they say "You can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives."    I'm continually amazed at how freely the R's wish to share their nasty opinions but shut me down immediately when I attempt to retort with opinion.  I often wonder if expressing my opinions in this forum is appropriate.  My thought process is that anyone who reads my rants probably already has an opinion closely approximating mine.

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