Monday, September 20, 2010

The constitution is just a pice of paper - Quit throwing it in my face

"quit throwing the constitution in my face, it's nothing but a G D piece of paper"   George Bush
This quote by Bush, documented by a conservative site (NewsMax-LinkHere) really disturbs me. Not only on the merits of it's morality, but because of the way the R's are claiming that Obama is violating the constitution.  I saw a bumper sticker recently that said "OK.  Jokes over.  Let's restore the constitution".  Where do these people come up with  this stuff?  Does anyone know where I can get a bumper sticker with Bush's quote on it?  The outing of Valerie Plame (LinkHere) was the first incident that really sent me over the edge.  Now that Bush is off licking his wounds it's not quite so disturbing.  But still.....
Book on Amazon: (LinkHere)

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