Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blame game - Hot potato - Who's on first - Tag - Your it!

I can't necessarily blame BP for pointing fingers at their subcontractors. In their shoes I believe I would do the same thing. What worries me is how long this "blame game" will go on. Like the Exxon Valdez catastrophe (which occurred in March 1989) this too could stretch out a LONG time.  Exxon continued to litigate the settlement for the Valdez incident until 2008 and aspects of that matter may still be in court.
"As of 2010 there are approximately 98 cubic metres (26,000 gallons) of Valdez crude oil still in Alaska's sand and soil."  (LinkHere)
BP: Multiple companies, teams played role in oil disaster See:
BP: Multiple companies, teams played role in oil disaster
also see

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